Hey, thanks for all the great comments. Feel free to ask questions.
Sorry any mispelling being away from school does that to you
Today when we woke up instead of making our own breakfast and cleaning up after ourselves we decided to head to the local restaruante and get pancakes and omlettes. While walking back to our tent the cook's dog, named Hunter,began following Race everywhere.He even had Race shake his hand, but abandoned Race to chase squirrells and go back to his owner.The Ride out of the valley we were in was tough, but it was cool and every uphill was followed by at least a small downhill. About 20 miles into the bike, we stopped at rest area to switch people on the tandem. while there we saw three moose all in the same meadow from our vantage point above them. One was a bull and the two others were cows they could all see and hear us from the quarter mile distance they were at. Not much happened the rest of the ride except our mom and dad saw a black bear contemplating whether or not to coss the road before running of into the bushes. Before driving right into our camp the yukon motel and RV park, we crossed the third longest bridge on the alaskan highway. instead of being concrete it was metal grate so as you went over it you could see the watermoving under you. When arriving at the RV park we got a campng spot next to Telsin lake, and then went to check ou the very well set up wildlife museum. We then went to check out the tinglit(check them out)heritage mueseum but it was closed so we just took some pictures with the totem poles out front. We then took dash to play fetch in the water she gt very worked up we then went back to the tent to finish a mmovie and go to bed
to our traveling family,
Sounds like you are having a great adventure. We are enjoying your daily logs. Stay Safe and God Bless. We look forward to your safe return to Montana. With our Love you,Bonnie
Hello Owens!
Illinois misses ALL of you! Do you think you could send some cooler air our way? (minus the mosquitos) Better yet, deliver it in PERSON(S). Thanks for sharing this with all of us. Just as I expected, your logs have really been a great pick-me-up for my Dad. He's loved tracking your trip and telling me all about his experiences up in that area.
God Bless! Love, the V.H. Family
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