Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Day 3 typed by Gavin (short day) (June 30)

Today we were going to have a break day but our camp site at Sundance lodges was full for that night because of Canada day (July first) which is Canada’s anniversary of becoming a country. So instead of not riding at all we ended riding 15 miles to the next open camping site in order to get a spot to put our tent, we had to take a RV spot because the other 100 tent sites were completely full. When we got there the Canadian guy next to us, whose name was Lauren, introduced us to his dog Amber and told us he had another dashaund but had to put it down 3 weeks ago. We had got there about 2:00 so we went to the city of Banff to look around, while there we looked at the Fairmont Banff springs hotel, named the castle of the Rockies for good reason and even though it was built in the late 1800’s it looks like it was built yesterday because it is well taken care of. We drove back to Canmore which is basically a town filled lodges for people to stay at during vacations. When we got there we got some food at the grocery, filled up the van with gas, and ate at a gourmet pizza place called Boston Pizza. We then went back to our campsite at Willow rock campground and it was about 10:00 so we went to bed right away.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wooo-hooooo. . . glad to hear from you crazies out there . . . looks like you're having a blast . . . can anyone say "sore butt"? Love your updates. ps dad says thats what he should be doing, if he only knew how to ride a bike!!